Healthy Bees Academy
Healthy Bees Academy
For queries relating to the Healthy Bees Academy please contact us at bee-academy@mentera.cymru
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Dr Cecilia Costa works in the Research Centre for Agriculture and the Environment in Bologna, Italy. Her work has highlighted the importance of using locally adapted bees and in this episode Lynfa Davies discusses how beekeepers can make the most of her findings in their own queen raising programmes.
Mark McLoughlin is the Regional Bee Inspector for the north west of England. In this episode, Lynfa Davies discusses the role of sentinel apiaries and how they provide an early warning system against potential new threats to honey bees.
In this episode Lynfa Davies discusses factors that increase the vulnerability of bees to disease with Dr Peter Graystock and Monika Yordanova. Peter’s work has looked at environmental interactions and stressors that come from the environment while Monika is undertaking a PhD investigating factors that make honey bees more vulnerable to European Foulbrood, a serious disease of honey bees.
In this podcast Lynfa Davies discusses varroa resistant traits with Prof Stephen Martin from the University of Salford. His groundbreaking work is investigating mechanisms that honey bees are developing to to become more resistant to challenges from varroa mites.